სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაციები

Costs of syringe vending machines in Tbilisi, Georgia

Costs of syringe vending machines in Tbilisi, Georgia

აგვისტო 02, 2023

🟡Harm Reduction Journal-ში გამოქვეყნდა ალტერნატივა ჯორჯიას მკვლევრების სტატია აივ, ცე ჰეპატიტისა და ზედოზირების პრევენციის მასალების გამცემი აპარატის ხარჯთეფექტურობის შესახებ 🟡კვლევა მთავრობებს აწვდის ახალი ზიანის შემცირების ინტერვენციის ხარჯთეფექტურობის მტკიცებულებებს. ამგვარი ინოვაციური და ხარჯთეფექტური ინტერვენციები განსაკუთრებით მნიშვნელოვანია ისეთი ქვეყნებისთვის, საიდანაც გლობალური ფონდი თანდათანობით გადის და ქვეყნებმა საკუთარ თავზე უნდა აიღონ პროგრამების დაფინანსება.

No Good Time Without Drugs: Qualitative Study Among Nightlife Attendees in Tbilisi, Georgia

No Good Time Without Drugs: Qualitative Study Among Nightlife Attendees in Tbilisi, Georgia

აგვისტო 10, 2022

Individuals who visit nightclubs and electronic dance music (EDM) festivals tend to use psychoactive substances, often multiple substances, in this setting and are at risk of serious negative health effects. This paper aims to explore respondents’ experiences and perceptions in order to have a better understanding of patterns and motives related to psychoactive substance use and high-risk behaviors in EDM event attendees. METHODS: In-depth and focus group interviews with 30 EDM event attendees who reported psychoactive substance use at nightlife events. The data was analyzed using the Nvivo-v.10 software.

Implementation and evaluation of a syringe vending machine trial in Tbilisi, Georgia

Implementation and evaluation of a syringe vending machine trial in Tbilisi, Georgia

მარტი 14, 2022

Syringe vending machines (SVM) have proven to be an effective vehicle for providing an uninterrupted supply of sterile equipment to PWID, but they have not been implemented or disseminated broadly. The aim of this study was to implement and evaluate the outcomes of introducing SVM in Tbilisi, Georgia.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on illicit drug supply, drug-related behaviour of people who use drugs and provision of drug related services in Georgia: results of a mixed methods prospective cohort study

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on illicit drug supply, drug-related behaviour of people who use drugs and provision of drug related services in Georgia: results of a mixed methods prospective cohort study

მარტი 09, 2022

This study examines the effects of COVID-19 related restrictions on the supply of illicit drugs, drug-use behavior among people who use drugs (PWUD) regularly (at least weekly), and drug-related service provision in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Smart Syringe Vending Machines: Research Capabilities and Implications for Research Data Collection

Smart Syringe Vending Machines: Research Capabilities and Implications for Research Data Collection

ნოემბერი 21, 2021

Syringe vending machines (SVMs) are intended to supplement the standard syringe exchange programs to access hard-to-reach groups and cover unserved geographical areas. This report describes how we adapted SVMs to deliver interventions and collect research data as part of a study of smart SVMs (SSVMs) in Tbilisi, Georgia.

COVID-19 პანდემიის ზეგავლენა არალეგალური ნარკოტიკების ბაზარსა და მომხმარებელთა ქცევაზე

COVID-19 პანდემიის ზეგავლენა არალეგალური ნარკოტიკების ბაზარსა და მომხმარებელთა ქცევაზე

მარტი 24, 2021

Patterns of use of new psychoactive substances and perceived benefits and negative effects: results of online survey in Georgia (country)

Patterns of use of new psychoactive substances and perceived benefits and negative effects: results of online survey in Georgia (country)

აგვისტო 06, 2019

Scientific Publication

Perceived acceptability of and willingness to use syringe vending machines: results of a cross-sectional survey of out-of-service people who inject drugs in Tbilisi, Georgia

Perceived acceptability of and willingness to use syringe vending machines: results of a cross-sectional survey of out-of-service people who inject drugs in Tbilisi, Georgia

მარტი 21, 2019

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Nightlife and Drug Use in Tbilisi, Georgia: Results of an Exploratory Qualitative Study

Nightlife and Drug Use in Tbilisi, Georgia: Results of an Exploratory Qualitative Study

თებერვალი 20, 2019

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაციაში

Republic of Georgia estimates for prevalence of drug use: Randomized response techniques suggest under-estimation

Republic of Georgia estimates for prevalence of drug use: Randomized response techniques suggest under-estimation

აპრილი 18, 2018

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაციაში

Exploring the New Phenomena of Home-Made Extraction and Injection of Ephedra Plant Product in Georgia

Exploring the New Phenomena of Home-Made Extraction and Injection of Ephedra Plant Product in Georgia

თებერვალი 03, 2017

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Drug preparation, injection, and sharing practices in Tajikistan: a qualitative study in Kulob and Khorog

Drug preparation, injection, and sharing practices in Tajikistan: a qualitative study in Kulob and Khorog

ივნისი 02, 2016

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Policing, massive street drug testing and poly-substance use chaos in Georgia - a policy case study

Policing, massive street drug testing and poly-substance use chaos in Georgia - a policy case study

იანვარი 16, 2016

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Feasibility and initial efficacy of a culturally sensitive women-centered substance use intervention in Georgia: Sex risk outcomes

Feasibility and initial efficacy of a culturally sensitive women-centered substance use intervention in Georgia: Sex risk outcomes

დეკემბერი 08, 2015

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Factors that influence the characteristics of needles and syringes used by people who inject drugs in Tajikistan

Factors that influence the characteristics of needles and syringes used by people who inject drugs in Tajikistan

ოქტომბერი 16, 2015

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Drug scene, drug use and drug-related health consequences and responses in Kulob and Khorog, Tajikistan

Drug scene, drug use and drug-related health consequences and responses in Kulob and Khorog, Tajikistan

ნოემბერი 25, 2014

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Opioid addicted buprenorphine injectors: drug use during and after 12-weeks of buprenorphine-naloxone or methadone in the Republic of Georgia

Opioid addicted buprenorphine injectors: drug use during and after 12-weeks of buprenorphine-naloxone or methadone in the Republic of Georgia

ოქტომბერი 22, 2014

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Process and Product in Cross-Cultural Treatment Research: Development of a Culturally Sensitive Women-Centered Substance Use Intervention in Georgia

Process and Product in Cross-Cultural Treatment Research: Development of a Culturally Sensitive Women-Centered Substance Use Intervention in Georgia

სექტემბერი 22, 2014

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Comprehensive Women-centered Treatment for Substance Use Disorders in Georgia: Current Status and Future Directions

Comprehensive Women-centered Treatment for Substance Use Disorders in Georgia: Current Status and Future Directions

ივნისი 06, 2014

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Methadone and buprenorphine-naloxone are effective in reducing illicit buprenorphine and other opioid use, and reducing HIV risk behavior – Outcomes of a Randomized Trial

Methadone and buprenorphine-naloxone are effective in reducing illicit buprenorphine and other opioid use, and reducing HIV risk behavior – Outcomes of a Randomized Trial

დეკემბერი 01, 2013

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Access to treatment for substance-using women in the Republic of Georgia: Socio-cultural and structural barriers

Access to treatment for substance-using women in the Republic of Georgia: Socio-cultural and structural barriers

ივნისი 04, 2013

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Female partners of opioid-injecting men in the Republic of Georgia: an initial characterization

Female partners of opioid-injecting men in the Republic of Georgia: an initial characterization

ნოემბერი 16, 2012

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Behavioral Treatment + Naltrexone Reduces Drug Use and Legal Problems in the Republic of Georgia

Behavioral Treatment + Naltrexone Reduces Drug Use and Legal Problems in the Republic of Georgia

იანვარი 05, 2012

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია

Drug Use and HIV Risk Outcomes in Opioid-Injecting Men in the Republic of Georgia: Behavioral Treatment + Naltrexone compared to Usual Care

Drug Use and HIV Risk Outcomes in Opioid-Injecting Men in the Republic of Georgia: Behavioral Treatment + Naltrexone compared to Usual Care

ივლისი 13, 2011

სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაცია